Marketing Materials

The kit includes several hundred full 4-color tri-fold brochures (several varieties), take-one posters, newspaper ads, business card formats, etc both in hard copy and the digital files so you can customize and reproduce as you like (or you can order small quantities from us as needed if you don’t care to reproduce them.) These items were created by professional artists from the likes of PIXAR, Disney Studios, and others. There are also some high gloss white folders with purple foil embossed seal to put your materials in and leave behind at key marketing sites.

You will also receive a DVD containing all the digital files, forms and other useful items as well as logos, PowerPoint Presentations, suggested disclaimers and a dozen RADIO ADS you are welcome to use. There is time left at the ends of each for your contact information.

There are 4 binders for filing all your marketing, sources and resources information. There is also a tote bag for carrying the binders, or your laptop.

There is also a nice Certificate in your name and believe me, if you follow the manual and do what’s necessary to start consulting you WILL be certified. Also a nice lapel pin (and a spare), and several ink pens with our logo, motto, etc.

Twenty-two years and over $250,000 has gone into developing this Start-up Kit and business. We have learned over time how to best care for our families/clients and how to establish good working relationships with all involved. You do NOT want an adversarial relationship with the funeral homes, cemeteries and others. You WILL have to work with them, so read all the materials before you interface with them. After you’ve been in business a while you may find, as I have, you’ll have funeral homes sending business to YOU and more than willing to help your clients stay within their budgets.

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Use PayPal to place your order using a card or your PayPal account.

Purchase Options

Use a line of credit

Click here to apply for a line of credit with PayPal Bill Me Later.